The garden railway "Nad Mniší horou - Rakovec"
The photogallery of the steam locos and cars
The locomotive U47.0 was manufactured by the company Henchel in Kassel for the narrow-gauge railways in Bosna (KuKBB).
Requirements for locomotives in Bosnia was a great performance and a good passage of small arches of the railway.
During the first world war served these locos in the military field railways locomotive Austro-Hungarian army. At the end of the first World War, the locomotives were on the repair in Prague (and Chomutov, Teplice). These locomotives remained on our territory and they were transferred to the ownership of the Czechoslovak army. The Czechoslovak army exchanged these machines (U47.0) for locomotives U25.0 from the CSD, because the locomotives U47.0 were complicated to repair. From 1918 to 1958 used these machines in Jindřichův Hradec. One locomotive U47.0 was transferred to the national technical Museum. This locomotive was repaired and was ride in Jindřichův Hradec to the end of the validity of the boiler (2004?).
From a technical point of view is the locomotive U47.0 Mallet steam locomotive. That means that the rear chassis is firmly associated with a boiler and has a high pressure cylinder. The front of the chassis is free and has two low pressure cylinders and requires precise adjustment.
The locomotive U37.0 was manufactured by the company Kraus in Linz for the narrow-gauge railways in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the first world war they were deployed by the army on the battlefields in Italy. The locomotives U37.0 were launched to the operating on the most narrow-gauge railways in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and some were also ended. To this day, despite the large number of produced pieces, it preserved a very little specimens. The first wave of the destruction of these machines was the first world war. A second wave of destruction of these machines were the motorization on the narrow-gauge railways. Today's locomotive U37.0 belongs to owner JHMD, who runs the summer trains.
The model from the company LGB is at first glance OK. The Model is but a bad while driving. On the larger climb, the model is not unable to tighten the two passenger cars. It is really a shame. The owners of the garden railways use therefore model less. On the climb must be the cab of the locomotive at the beginning of the train.
In the year 2014 the model of the steam loco U37.0 was rebuilt. It has been added ballast and changed the electrics. Today the model the U37.0 can go normally ride with a heavy train into the big climb.
The steam railcar M25.0 was delivered at the end of the existence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from the company Ganz.
The steam railcars M25.0 survived World War I. and since 1918 have been shut down, because their repairs have been very expensive. The steam car was designed as a triple-axle with the two mechanical transmissions with the reverse. The steam engine was not the reverse. As a steam boilers, were used the steam generators "De Dijon et Bouton" which have been heated with the coke.