The garden railway

The garden railway "Nad Mniší horou - Rakovec"

The rules for the visitors to the garden railway

The garden railway - the head page > The rules for visitors

The garden railway
All visitors to the garden railway are obligate to abide by the rules for visitors. By entering the premises, you confim the acceptance of these rules. As the garden railway is operatet withoud the participation of any sponsors and without the receipt of grands, we are unable to offer you any entry discounts( discounts). Dogs are permitted to enter the premisses only with prior express consent of the owner and any dogs which are permitted entry must wear a muzzle and be on a lead at all times. The picking of fruit and the collection of any plant material on the premisses is forbidden. In the event of a breach of these rules, the owner is entitled to order any visitor off the premises of the garden railway. The owner reserves the right to change, or cancel altogether, the opening times by giving notice of the same on the internet or on the gate to the premisses.