The garden railway "Nad Mniší horou - Rakovec"
The photogallery of the box and gondola car
This box car Zú was built for the TEVŽ. He was rebuilt from the flat car width radial bolsters. Reconstruction of the box car has a factory in Poprad. The box car was used to transport parcels. The railway had three of these cars. These box cars were in operation by the end of the 1970 's.
This gondola car Vaú was built in the factory on the cars in Česká Lípa for the narrow-gauge railway in Frýdlant.
It was then the first axis vehicles in Czech Republic. These gondola cars were used to transport gravel supply from the Schuppich-quarry.
This box car Zaú DR was made in the car-factory in Bautzen or in Gőrlitz in Germany.
This car was shipped to the narrow gauge railway 750 mm and all Saxon railways this box car use.